Thatchmont Condominium
First Condominium in Massachusetts!
Because we have a privately provided dumpster, recycling at the curb is no
longer available. This page was written based on information obtained from our
trash removal company, the town sanitation supervisor, Justin Gerard
(617-646-2708), and confirmed by the conservation/recycling office (730-2088).
Here is the number for the recorded Recycling Hotline: 730-2500.
Class, Plastic, and Cans
Place glass, plastic, and cans into the blue wheeled barrels next to the
dumpster. No bags or other materials please.
Place newspaper into the green wheeled barrels next to the dumpster. No
cardboard, junk mail, magazines, office paper, or other materials please.
Place office paper into the marked wheeled barrels next to the dumpster. No
other types of paper should be added here.
Do not place bags of any kind, or other trash into the recycling containers.
Paper and Cardboard
Newspaper, office paper, junkmail and magazines can be brought to the paper
recycling drop-off location, which is in the small parking lot west of Centre
Street, near the intersection of Centre St and Beacon St. Centre St is on our
side of Beacon St, parallel to and one further west from Harvard St in
Coolidge Corner. It's the street behind the movie theatre, and this is the
same parking lot where the farmers market is held. The location is open 24
hours a day, 6 days a week but not Thursdays during the farmers market season.
Consumer batteries (not car batteries) can be brought to one of the following
three locations: Coolidge Corner library, Putterham Library, or the 4th Floor
dept of public works in town hall.
Other Materials
Another drop off location is the town's Newton Street transfer station, which
is open Monday to Friday from 9 AM to 2 PM. Some additional materials are
accepted for recycling at this facility. Call 730-2500 for more info.
Electronics, Appliances, Large Items
For an extra fee, our trash removal company, can remove
items that cannot be placed in the dumpster, such as TVs, computers, air
conditioners, washers, dryers, fridges, stoves, and other large trash
In order to schedule a pickup for this kind of item, call our property manager to arrange for this..
Unit owners are individually responsible for the extra costs, which
should be billed directly to them and not to the trust. Owners that place
such items outside of the dumpster without contacting the property manager may be
fined up to $50 per day, in addition to the cost of having the item removed.
Note that items that contain freon must be drained and tagged before pick up.