Thatchmont Condominium
First Condominium in Massachusetts!
This document lists regular seasonal maintenance tasks for the condo,
projects that have been approved for completion by the trustees, and
future projects that should be incorporated into financial planning.
Scheduled Maintenance
These items should occur every year, or as indicated. The management
company is expected to take care of them:
- Mail financial report to trustees (should include budget, YTD and monthly costs,
list of unit owners with fee and extra rentals for each, indicating amounts past due)
- Post notice 1 week in advance of trustees meeting, if held this month and not
posted in the previous meeting minutes (currently done by a trustee)
- Distribute trustees meeting minutes, if a meeting was held this month
- Sweep parking lot sand
- Remove sand/salt buckets inside every front and back entrance
- Turn on exterior water faucets
- Turn on irrigation system (Egmont only), prune, fertilize, plant annuals, and
fill planters by doorways (currently Egmont only)
- Schedule Zen Associates master pruner for the five yews on Thatcher St (July+ is good)
- Pruning of privet hedges on Egmont Street is required about monthly
- Watering of gardens and doorway planters as needed (currently done by volunteers)
- Check all fire extinguishers, smoke alarms, and emergency lighting
- Check roof drains monthly to be sure they are clear of leaves
- Check/service heating equipment
- Turn off exterior water faucets
- Turn off and drain irrigation system (Egmont only)
- In or after late fall, rake out leaves in gardens and window wells and mulch
if desired (doing this in the fall avoids damage to the many bulbs and early-sprouting
perenials in our gardens)
- Annual meeting in November: Handout past year financial summary, budget for next
year, and agenda: Head count / sign-in sheet; introduce new owners;
review past year projects and financials; present new budget; elect
new trustees; open discussion at end.
- Place sand/salt buckets inside every front and back entrance
- Make sure the plowing company places four 55 gallon drums of sand at
the back corners of the buildings
As Needed
- Clean out dry wells
- Update mailbox labels
Future Projects
Some of these should show up in the 5 year financial plan:
- In-ground irrigation systems with times (done on Egmont; $2-3K to add Thatcher)
- Replace three remaining tar/gravel roofs (about $15K each)
- Replace rotten wooden basement window sills
- Strip and repaint wood around all front entries
- Paint basement floors and walls
- Prune overhanging trees at top of parking lot, and remove dead wood there
- Refinish wood banisters in front stairs
- Replace bricked-over masonry ornaments with replicas